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Things no one warned me about when being pregnant

It’s no secret to those who know me that I have always wanted to be a mom. I have tried for a very long time. From adoption agencies, people saying I could adopt their unborn, and even taking kids in until their parents got their ish together. Adoption agencies would say I was too young, or they are looking to place kids in a two parent home. I was close to adopting a boy once from someone I knew, but at the last minute they changed their mind. The devastation from that alone was enough for me to want to give up. I never did, I kept my faith. I eventually got a chance to take in this little girl who I loved on with every piece of me. She gave me a lot of hope of one day being a mom to my own daughter.

People would tell me raising kids are not easy, while my mom instilled in me there are no instructions that come with raising kids you just do the best you can with what you are taught, what you pick up, and pray with doing all of that your child comes out great in this world.

What people never shared their thoughts on with me is the 9-10 months that happens before the child is actually here. So I decided to share my thoughts on things I have learned so far in the last four months. This will be a continuation blog because we still have six more months to go before my daughter makes her way into this world.

Trimester 1: Finding Out You Are Pregnant

Now, for me I have always been able to call other people pregnancy, but when it came to me I was in an unknown phase. I was used to irregular cycles so missing a month wasn’t abnormal. The day I found out I was pregnant ya girl was in complete shock! It was like once I found out reality to my body checked in as well.

  1. Urination… and I mean a lot of it! It was as if I couldn’t drink a thing and not have to go to the bathroom right after.

  2. Body temperature changes has been one I had no idea on but definitely learned quickly about. I go to sleep, but wake up in sweats. My hormones are changing and so is my body temperature. I will highly recommend sleeping with a fan, and your ac on during your pregnancy cause waking up in sweat is no fun!

  3. CRAVINGS!!!! My first craving was pickles and orange juice. I have no idea why, but I was getting up and running to the store just for those items. Then it became a certain place I wanted chicken, pizza, and burritos from. I would call my dad making special requests for food I wanted and even now as I am in my second trimester those special requests still are coming!

  4. Crying… Being EMOTIONAL AF! The ups and downs of your emotions are everywhere. I have always been the cuddle type but since being pregnant I definitely love a good cuddle time or even just being hugged on. Big ups to my support system because they will let me pull up on them just for that hug. I cry when I am happy, I cry when I am sad, I cry when I can’t get the food I am craving. These emotions have even had me no longer accepting any kind of behavior from people. I want positive energy around me… I NEED positive energy around me. The moment I feel anything else I will move around.

  5. Tender Breast. Yes, as women I breast get tender before our menstrual, but for pregnancy this is a different level! My first trimester I haven’t wanted nothing to touch my breast. They are preparing to breastfeed but Lawd have mercy why do they have to be this tender!

  6. Sleep disruption and the baby not even here yet…. I would wake up between 2:30-3:00 AM and would be up until 5 AM. Go back to sleep and then I am back up at 7:30 and then up for the rest of the day until it was time for a nap. One night I couldn’t take that no more and didn’t know if it was a mental warfare I was under or if it was normal for other moms. I found on a Reddit blog that other moms were having the same pregnancy symptoms. One person said it’s your body preparing you for 3:00 AM feedings. Another person suggested to eat a light snack because it could be the baby is just hungry. Sure enough that would work every time for me. I would get up, go pee and then eat me some fruit and back to sleep I would go.

  7. Nap Time! If you know me then you know I am always on the go. So for those first time moms who are always on the go let me be the first to warn you…. THE ON THE GO WILL STOP! At least during your first trimester. I am not one to take a nap or feel the need to take one. Being pregnant has had me falling in love with taking naps. I can be up moving around and then I just get tired. I tried to fight it, but my body wouldn’t let me. You have to rest. Listen to your body, pay attention to it fully!

  8. Morning Sickness, Nausea, Headaches and Smells! Now I have been very blessed to not have a morning sickness like most. Mainly I am nauseous and often at that. Pickles and crackers have been a huge help in getting me through those moments. I even have found a pinch of salt has helped too. However what does come with that is high blood pressure so be careful to not do too much. My doctors offered me nausea medicine, but to those that have been following me for a while you know I have been off all medication since 2019 and I incorporated the green herbs to help. Well since I’m  pregnant although I may know the perks of the herbs, doctors are still unsure so to protect myself I decided to not partake during my pregnancy or even do any additional medication that’s not really needed. So no nausea meds for me just all natural ways to stop nausea as much as possible. My headaches come and go, but smells! OMG!!! Where do I start on smells…. Although I use to be a smoker cigarette smells I can no longer handle. Just the smell of a cigarette makes me nauseous. It’s been certain foods that I cannot handle the smell on. Your sense of smell will be heightened to a new level. So be warned now!

Trimester 2: Time To Move Around Again

I am just starting my second trimester and I am excited about it and nervous. I am constantly reading mommy blogs on what to expect. I love the baby center app because it tells me each week the size of my baby, what to expect during this week as far as body changes, how my baby is growing and more. I would highly recommend suggest downloading the app if you are a first time mom or just a mom in general. So far in my second trimester this is what I have gathered so far.

  1. I have my energy back! I am not as tired as I was in my first trimester. I have gotten out and done a lot more during this time and per the blogs they say your second trimester is when your energy will come and then your third it will go back down… which means I only have THREE months to do as much as I can while this energy is around.

  2. Headaches are still here. Certain smells have definitely added to my headaches. I don’t like strong smells because they seem to linger forever.

  3. NAUSEA IS GONE! I still don’t like the smell of cigarettes, but the smell is more manageable now than it was in my first trimester. The smells of certain foods are also more manageable than what it was before.

  4. Cravings… my cravings are now top notch! What I want I go get. If I want a pizza I am driving to Dallas for a slice of Greenville Avenue Pizza! My cravings don’t want no other type of pizza but that kind! My order is always 1 slice of pizza with hamburger, pepperoni, spinach and pizza crack with a lemonade with no ice. I have a happy dance I do when I am satisfied with the food I am eating. One day my cravings were all over the place. I wanted McDonald’s hash brown & orange juice with Whataburger’s Breakfast On A Bun. The way my soul was so complete that day. It’s the small things during my pregnancy I have fully enjoyed… THE FOOD LMAO! CHICKEN!!! Lawd have mercy I like chicken but during this pregnancy I have wanted chicken and I mean all kinds: chicken sandwiches, fried chicken, baked lemon pepper chicken, and hot wings from dominos! After my cravings have been satisfied I no longer want that type of food for a while. Crazy I know, but that’s something you can expect to experience as well if this is your first pregnancy.

  5. UTI’s: Urinary Tract Infections are very common with pregnancy! Studies show 1 in 10 women experience a UTI during pregnancy. My doctor suggested I add 1-2 cups of cranberry juice to my diet once a week. I took it a step highly and I incorporate one cup a day with my breakfast and drink water all day! Water will be your best friend, just know with drinking water you will go to the bathroom often. I have told been frequent urination will continue and only get worse as the baby gets bigger. I will let yall know for sure how this part works on my next blog post.

  6. Movement of my baby. No one really tells you what your baby will feel like moving in your belly. After asking my friends and family here is what I have gathered and what I have felt. I have this butterfly feeling in my stomach since weeks 10-12 of my pregnancy. It’s the weirdest feeling but wonderful at the same time. My most recent feeling at my 4 month mark has been the pressure in my stomach. It’s like a big ball feeling tight and full. Well that was my baby girl moving around. It has happen once and I didn’t know it until I was asking other moms what that feeling was.

Now of course because I am just starting into my second trimester I don’t have a full list. These are just the things I have gathered so far. My baby girl will be here in October so we have a ways to go, nevertheless I will come back and do a part 2 or part 3 to this and give a full update on what to expect during pregnancy.

One of my biggest lessons to have learned during my pregnancy is to not stress. Your first few months are so important to your child’s development. If you need to remove some people to have a certain peace do that! You are carrying something that is very fragile. Don’t allow anyone to cause you additional stress that’s not needed.

If you are a first time mom welcome to a new journey full of fun and a new way to learn yourself, your body!

To Be Continued…..

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